مشاوره و پذیرش دعاوی در امور حقوقی – کیفری ، ثبتی – املاک – خانواده – بیمه – حمل و نقل و کشتیرانی
داوری در کلیه امور حقوقی و بازرگانی
تنظیم قراردادهای تجاری و غیر تجاری
خدمات ثبت شرکتها
ارائه نظریه کارشناسی در امور بیمه, ارجاعی از سوی محاکم و یا اشخاص
ارائه خدمات بیمه های بازرگانی اموال ، اشخاص و مسئولیت
ارزیابی خسارات آتش سوزی و تهیه گزارشات خسارت
کلیه اشخاص مقیم خارج از کشور می بایست جهت اعطای وکالت به یکی از نمایندگی های کشور ایران در محل اقامت خود مراجعه و نسبت به تنظیم وکالتنامه با هماهنگی قبلی با این دفتر اقدام نمایند .
consultation and advice on civil, criminal,commercial,registration,real estates , family,insurance , transportation and shipping affairs.x
accepting the power attorney for claims and defending in legal litigation of our countrymen inside and outside the country in all of the above mentioned cases
arbitration in all legal affairs , except criminal ones
preparing business and non –business contracts
servises for registration of companies representation of foreign companies in iran and registration and
registration of tradmarks and inentions.
Offering all commercial insurance services, including properties, personal and responsibility insurance.
Offering views and accepting official expertise acceptable at justice courts, referred by real and legal persons and courts.
All countrymen residing abroad , who decide to give power of ,shall be informed that they shall
refer to one of embassies or consulates of iran in the country of the their residence and take action for filling power of attorney form in the name of their desired lawyer or one of their relatives or friends with the right of substitution. x